Trauma Surgery ER Roles and Responsibilities
VBMC – Trauma surgery/ Emergency room responsibilities for trauma
Background: optimal care for the trauma patient is paramount in patient outcome. As such there is a requirement to delineate roles and responsibilities and management of trauma patients. Trauma patients are managed by both the emergency room physicians and trauma surgeons. This document is to define not only responsibilities and roles but also optimal time frames in the management of trauma patients by the trauma service.
For this document “trauma team”, refers to trauma surgeon, surgical resident physicians and physician assistants on the trauma service.
Three Distinct categories of patients will be managed
through the emergency room.
Trauma activations
Trauma consultations
1) Trauma Activations
Trauma activations are defined as level one or level 2 depending on activation criteria as defined by the Valley Baptist Medical Center trauma team activation criteria.
Level 1 activation:
- Patient will be directly attended to bedside by the trauma team and a trauma surgeon within 15 minutes of arrival.
Level 2 activation:
- Patient will be directly attended to bedside by the trauma team and the trauma surgeon within 30 minutes of arrival.
Trauma surgery responsibilities
Trauma surgeon will be primary physician in the
management of the trauma patient.
Trauma team will be primarily responsible for
all orders including labs and imaging.
Trauma order sets will be used for all trauma
Trauma team will be responsible for any
procedures required on trauma activation patients.
Trauma team will be responsible for calling all
consultations regarding trauma activation patients.
Activation orders will be placed by the trauma
team, however if available the ER will place the activation orders – using
only the trauma activation order set.
Trauma surgeon will be responsible for level of
care on admission.
- Trauma team will place admission orders – using
only the trauma admission order set.
Before trauma team leaves the emergency room
direct closed loop communication will be provided to the emergency room
physician associated with the trauma activation delineating disposition for the
trauma patient.
Emergency room physician responsibilities
Emergency room physician will be responsible for
airway management in complex trauma patients.
Emergency room physicians will be available to
assist in management and resuscitation of patients.
- Emergency room physician will be available for
any additional procedures that may be required.
2) Trauma Consultations
Trauma consultations will be called by the emergency room physician in situations where a patient has suffered a traumatic injury and requires trauma surgery for assessment and possible admission.
Trauma surgery responsibilities
Patient will be directly attended to bedside by
the trauma team within one (1) hour of consultation.
Trauma consultation patients will be staffed
directly with an attending trauma surgeon within the one-hour time frame window.
Admission or disposition plan will be provided
with direct closed loop communication with the emergency room physician within
this time frame.
- All trauma consultations will be seen and attended to by trauma surgeons within six hours of admission.
Emergency room physician responsibilities
- Emergency room physician will be primarily
responsible for trauma consultation patient until admitted to the trauma
- Additional consultations can be called by the
emergency room physician if level of acuity dictates earlier intervention by
sub specialist for the trauma service.
· Direct communication between the emergency room
physician and the trauma team will identify any specific imaging, laboratories,
consultations that need to be ordered.
Trauma team will work in direct communication
with the emergency room physicians to assist in management of trauma
If the trauma consultation patient requires
admission to the hospital for ongoing care the trauma team will assist in
defining appropriate level of care and take over all responsibilities as
outlined in the trauma activation responsibility section.
3) Trauma Transfers
Trauma transfers defined as any trauma patient transferring from a facility outside of Valley Baptist medical center Harlingen.
All trauma transfers from outside facilities will be discussed with trauma surgeon before transfer by either the transferring facility or transfer center.
· As trauma transfers are coming directly to the trauma service for assessment, all roles, and responsibilities as per activation responsibilities will be maintained for the trauma service.
- Trauma transfers will be attended to by level of
acuity and injury severity score.
- If a trauma meets activation criteria at the
transferring facility, it will be activated appropriately at VBMC as the
receiving facility as the patient is transferring for a higher level of care.
- Trauma transfers will be activated as per appropriate
trauma activation level depending on trauma surgeon discretion and trauma
activation criteria.
Trauma transfers that meet activation criteria
will be managed per activation criteria outlined above.
o If patient does not require trauma activation, they will be managed as a trauma consultation per criteria outlined above.
Integrated management of trauma patients by the trauma surgery service and emergency room physicians will ideally lead to more optimal management and timely management of trauma patients.
At all times key facets of this management must consider:
- Trauma activations are not to be downgraded
unless agreement between the trauma surgeon and the ER physician.
- Any member of the trauma team/ ER team can
upgrade the trauma to a higher level of activation – including Trauma surgeon,
Er physician, trauma resident/ PA, ER nurse
- Closed loop communication between the trauma
service and emergency room services.
- Utilization of the MIST protocol for
communication regarding the trauma patient
- Patients that meet activation criteria will be
activated at appropriate activation criteria level.
- Trauma activation will at no time be cancelled
or downgraded by a resident physician or physician assistant on the trauma
- "Time to assess patients” should be always
adhered to by the trauma service. If there are delays in care, delays in
attendance to trauma, or any issue regarding interaction with the trauma team
that should be escalated by the emergency room manager to the trauma medical
director for direct review.
- Admissions should be made expeditiously with all
appropriate orders placed by the trauma team as the admitting service. If
admission is not to the trauma service, this should be discussed in direct
communication with the emergency room physician.
- Disposition should not be delayed unless
significant findings or laboratory results are still pending. i.e. Disposition
should not be delayed for final imaging results in situations where there is
low suspicion of injury by both the emergency room physician and trauma